What matters most to you matters to us
Proactive Care Planning for COVID-19
Note to user: This guide is for use by clinicians to proactively help individuals at highest risk for complications associated with COVID-19 express their desires for care in the event they develop the infection. This information will allow clinicians to create plans for care that will honor each individual’s preferences and decision.
Including healthcare is possible. This conversation could be delivered through telecommunication, video conference, in-person, etc.
“During so much uncertainty amid the COVID-19 pandemic, one thing you can control is who you ask to speak for you if you can’t speak for yourself. We help individuals and their healthcare agents/families talk about and plan for their care, before a medical crisis occurs. We want to know your values and preferences which will help us understand what matters most to you should you become ill due to complications from COVID-19.
We know this is a lot to take in all at once. We want to support you any way we can. These can be tough decisions to make and talk about especially in these uncertain times. Think of these conversations as a gift of love to those close to you. Knowing your decisions, goals, and values will be a great comfort to them. They won’t have to wonder if they are making a decision you would want them to make.”
We are here to help. Pleases complete this referral form to get started and someone will call to set up a time to meet via phone to help you.